Monday, June 15, 2009

Arrived in Zambia After a Few Moments of Uncertainty

I arrived in Livingstone, Zambia late this evening after a very full day of riding multiple buses. I departed Joburg, South Africa at the crack of dawn and took a bus to the South African-Zimbabwean border. I was not aware that the South African bus could not go through Zimbabwean customs. The bus simply dropped three backpackers off at the border and proceeded to drive away. The bus drivers parting words were that the Zimbabwean bus company would pick us up "shortly". Clearing customs took all of 5 minutes (and US$50) and me and two girls for Finland sat waiting for the next bus. After an hour there was no sign of a bus nor any indication a bus would come. At one point, a girl from Finland asked what there was to do in the community, however, we all looked at each other and admitted we didn't know exactly where we were! After 80 minutes of sitting on our luggage and wondering if the bus would ever come it appeared out of nowhere (accompanied by whipping sand and dust). After 15 hours of riding a hot, humid, and dusty bus I am happy to have a bed in Livingstone.