Thursday, July 2, 2009

R$500 to See a Doc in South Africa - Thanks Maptuo!

Maputo was such an interesting city, however, I am not too disappointed to have left the city! The night before leaving I noticed small red dots on my shoulder. My first thought was bed bugs but after investigating further I ruled out this possibility. Although reassuring it was not bed bugs I would like to have known the source of the mysterious red bumps - insect bite or allergic reaction? I started to wonder about the greasy mystery meat I was served and if it could be the source. This morning when I went to investigate the red dots on my shoulder I discovered while I was sleeping the dots reproduced! Rather than try to locate a hospital/clinic in Maputo and then try to explain the situation in English to a Portuguese doctor I waited until I arrived in Johannesburg as a decent hospital is located about 20 minute walk from my hostel.

When I arrived at the walkin clinic the first question from the receptionist was "how will you be paying". Such a foreign concept to pay for medical services before even presenting your name. Before I could proceed into the examination room the receptionist wanted an imprint of my cred card - I guess this was so that I couldn't dash off without paying! Perhaps I look like the sort of shady character that would dash off without paying? After a short 10 minute wait I was visited by a doctor who declared the red dots tropical insect bites common to Mozambique. When the doctor inquired about my accommodations in Maputo I started to laugh and then proceeded to tell him about the elevator that didn't quite reach the 8th floor. He laughed and sympathized as he has stayed once at the Hotel Santa Cruz! After hearing the description of the tropical insects and the side effects I was glad I headed into the hospital. This type of insect bite can lead to massive infections and all sorts of nasty stuff. The doctor handed me a prescription for 3 different medications (none of which I can pronounce, let alone spell). Before the door closed when the doctor left the office the receptionist was in the room with the bill for 500 Rand (equivalent of C$80) for the doctor consultation and and 100 Rand (~C$15) for taking my temperature and blood pressure.

I am happy to say that I am drugged up and feeling fine. In a couple of days I should be back to normal and in my own bed in Brandon.