Saturday, November 22, 2008

Good bye snow!

As I woke up this morning, I listened to weather forecasters announcing 15 - 20 cm of snow that fell last night in southern Ontario. The weather forecaster made is sounds as if the world had stopped spinning (or at least for that part of the world). Roads were closed, buses were delayed, people were being advised to only go outside if they have to. As I laid in bed, my only thought was of warm, sunny Mexico. The land of no snow. The land of no wind chill factors. It will be nice.

This trip will be a nice change. Over the past couple of years, my work trips have usually taken me to northern communities in the dead of winter. My first visit to Whitehorse was February 2006 and the weather was a balmy -47 C (with the wind) the first morning. Traveling south in the winter will be a nice change of pace. I suspect this may be the only southward travel for work, so I best enjoy it!

The walk from the airport parking lot to the terminal reminded me that I will not miss winter for the next couple of weeks. Since my winter parka, mitts, and toque are not making the trip to Mexico, my walk was a 'bit' chilly and brisk in my summer jacket. With my hands bare to the wind, the desire to return to snow sunk lower and lower. To be honest, if all the snow is gone by the time I return there will be no disappointment or complaints from me.

Pending any dissruptions in Toronto (always possible), I will be in Mexico City by midnight tonight.