Tuesday, June 12, 2007

cocaine tea & an apple ... breakfast of champions

day five ventured into the highlands/mountains of peru. once again i had my favourite early morning flight from lima to cusco (1 hour flight). i have gone from the pacific coast to approximately 10,000 feet in elevation. to help tourists with the high altitudes, locals encourage people to drink coca tea. the leaves in the tea are the SAME leaves used with ... you guessed it - cocaine! everytime someone mentions coca tea they quickly point out that it is legal here ... leading me to believe that it must be illegal elsewhere (comforting). since my arrival i have had two cups of cocaine tea ... i mean coca tea. what does it taste like? hmmm ... imagine going out to your front yard and picking a handful of grass and putting it in to a cup of boiling water. that is about it-there is really a grass like taste to the tea. with my cocaine tea i ate the apple i took from my hotel this morning. as i am sitting drinking and eating, the hotel clerk (who speaks no english) comes around the corner and said ´oh ... breakfast of champions´